Monday, November 3, 2014

Persepolis - Intro+Reading / Giulia D.

Question Commander
Week #4
Giulia Di Bella

1.  The first question that struck into my mind, when I started to read the first chapter was, why couldn't Marjane go to the Revolution?

Now that I read a little more, I noticed that Marjane's parents wouldn't let her participate in this Revolution because she was a small child, only 10 years old. Revolutions are full of killing, shooting, and torturing, so I believe that that was the main reason that led her parents to believe that. Revolution is not for little children, as her dad or some family member once told her, as I can recall. Her mom, on page 17 said, "There will be shooting," with a concerned look on her face, and that made me wonder if they were already used to that. If there was always killing involved with these topics. In my way of understanding, Marjane was not authorized to go to the revolution because of safety and protective motives. If she went to the Revolution she could become injured or see things that could ruin her childhood, or even her whole entire life. Imagine seeing someone you know or love being shot or tortutred, killed? She was only a kid. The best thing for her was to stay home, where it was safe, protected, and cozy, at least until the mess came closer.

2. Another question I had was, what does "Persepolis" mean?

Is it a name of someone or a city or a way of thinking, or what? What is Persepolis and what does it have to do with the story?

I believe that the word "Persepolis" has something to do with perception of conformity. Noticing something and using that as a 'perception'. I think that Persepolis is a way of thinking that the book is related to. I think it means that even if you don't have something you can still fight for it. This may sound very unclear at first, but look at this analysis. In the chapter Persepolis of the book, the whole chapter is about the story of Marjane's mom and her childhood. Her family was very poor and couldn't even afford to buy some bread. Everyday at lunch, Marjane's grandmother would boil some water next to the window only to pretend to be cooking something so that the neighborhood wouldn't suspect that they had nothing to eat. After reading this chapter, I related this situation with the word "Persepolis", and my opinion of what it means. Even though, her mom's family didn't have food, they still had a way of adapting to that. They used their perception of the situation, and transformed it into something similar. I know that this may seem confusing or non sense, but it's my way of thinking. It's an opinion, so there is no right or wrong answer. If anyone has any idea of commenting on this and giving their opinion, please feel free to do so.

3. My last, but not least question is, what was the veil for?

Why did the women and girls have to wear the veils?

I believe that the purpose of the veil was to hide the most charming characteristics of a women and just expose what is really closer to the inside. I think the veil is to avoid comments and precipitated conclusions about a person. The veil, in my opinion is to avoid stereotypes, bullying, and in general problems. Like for example: "Oh, you hair to too short/long... Oh, your ears are to big/small... Oh, your forehead is to large..."
To avoid these comments, the veil is ready to be used and never token off. There are different types, however, as you can see in the image above, but all retain the same meaning. Of what I have heard before in my life, the veils are for the people to label you by what you are in the inside, and not by the superficial outside. I can understand why, in the book, the girls from the school don't like to wear it. It's because they don't know what it is for. This was my first impression, too. I don't like the veil because I don't know what it is for. Now that I have more knowledge upon it, I don't unlike it at all. I think the purpose is valid, and a great idea, since the women who wear it don't normally feel insulted by it. Now I know and conclude that the veil is something that all women have to wear, that helps them not to be judged externally, but internally, by who they really are and not by their icon.

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