Author: Art Spiegelman
Pages: 129-159
Connection Captain

There are a lot of things that we can relate with the book
Maus. We can relate the story with other stories, our personal experiences, what we are learning in class or current events around the world. I related the story with current events. The first thing that I can relate the story is what is happening in Russia and Ukraine right now. Russia is invading Ukraine and wants Ukraine for them. Ukraine is not a Russian country but has a lot of Russians and have a cultural connection with Russia. They are using Russia's military in Crimea to attack Ukraine.
This current event relates to this book because the leaders (Hitler and Putin) want more power. Hitler is killing all the Jews to have more power and make people realize that he has a lot of power. Putin wants to take over Ukraine to have more power. Also, they are both in Russia.

Another thing I can relate this book to is the book
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. These two books have a lot in common. In the book
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, the main character Bruno has to move to because of his father's job. His dad is the leader of one of the Jews concentration camps. There is a fence separating the camp and Bruno's house. One day, as Bruno explored around the house, he met a boy on the other side of the fence. The story tells what kinds of things they do and etc. One thing in common with these two books is that they both happen during WWII. They both show a lot of the same things. They both show Jews being killed, gas chambers, etc. One different thing about these two books is the point of view in which the story is told.
Maus is told from the perspective of a Jew and gives more details about the life of a Jew during WWII.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is written from the perspective of the camp's leader's son which talks more about how he sees the camp from his room's window.
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ReplyDeleteHey Julia. I really liked your post when you stated the book you have read, which interprets the life of the son of a captain of a concentration camp. In my opinion the fence that separated two different lives and experiences expresses to me in a metaphoric way of saying the difficulty that is for the people now a days connect and physically socialize themselves, it is the wall that separated us from our surrounding world.
ReplyDeleteLet us take in consideration the video we saw in our advisory. The video that talks how the world we live depends in the virtual generation. A generation that builds barriers, barriers which prevents people to socialize. All this technology we have, it's just an illusion, of community, companionship, a sense of inclusion yet when you step away from this device of delusion, you awaken to see, a world of confusion. We are awaken to see a world were we are slaves of technology, a world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotion,where we share all our best bits, but leave out the emotion. In conclusion, we don't live and experience physical barriers, but yes emotional ones. Barriers that are destroying our human race by leaving aside the time to play, joke around and meet new people.
Thanks Gui
Julia, I really liked how you connected this book with both current events and a book. It definitely made me think further about the book. I think you related the current event, and the book very good with the book Maus. I haven't read, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, but how you explained it was perfect! It made sense, even though I haven't read that book. Your post was really good, good job!
ReplyDeleteI really liked your post. I loved how you connected this book to both a current event and the book The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Like you said there really are many other things that this book can connect to. I agree with everything you said, especially about how this book is related to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I read that book last year and while reading Maus, I thought about it very often. Both stories show the same thing, about power and the Jews being killed, except they are both told from two different points of view. This allows you to see what happened from two different perspectives which improves your understanding. I really liked everything you said and I agreed with both of your connections.
ReplyDeleteYou post is informative and detailed and do agree with you with both statements. War is never good. People die and suffer, kill and get injured. By connecting MAUS to a current event made me realize that we have not solved this problem yet. War still happens daily and we turn a blind eye on. We (like a community) should learn about the current events.