Sunday, April 12, 2015

Juan Carlos Thomas - Week #1 - Illustrious Artist

Juan Carlos Thomas 
Week #1 
Illustrious Artist 
Chapters 1 - 3

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  During most of Chapter One, Vladek is    telling his son Artie, about his past. Artie  wants to write a book about his father,  about his life in Poland and the war.  Vladek begins with sharing how he met  his wife Anja. He mentions the fact that  he was a young, handsome boy and that  all the girls would run after him, such as  but not limited to; Lucia Greenberg.  Vladek states that she wanted to get  engaged and that her family was was nice  but had no money. Later on Vladek talks  about how he went to visit his family in  Czestochowa and that led to his first  encounter with Anja. The image  illustrates their conversation and how Artie is writing  down all that his father is saying. 

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During the 2nd Chapter, Vladek gets noticed that Anja has been arrested by the police. It was the beginning of 1938, before the war. The image illustrates that the Nazis hanged flags around Germany and were against the Jews. Anja and Richieu were seperated from Vladek  and went to Sosnowiec while Vladek went in a different direction.

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In Chapter Three, Vladek mentions when we he was drafted in 1939, was given training and later on went to the frontier. Vladek also stated that his father tried to keep his children out from the army and how he had to starve for about three months. The image illustrates that during the chapter, they worked hard but were treated bad by the german soldiers. In this chapter, Vladek ends up being released and reuniting with Anja and his son Richieu, even if everything was tough they were able to hapy together. 


  1. Dear Juan,
    First of all, great images! I like how instead of doing one image, you did three images to represent how you saw the book. I would like to ask you something, though. You represented everything in your illustrations in a very literal way. Mice are mice, flags are flags, and other things. But I want to know if these things can be something different? Why are the jews represented as mice, and not for example, cows or alligators? I think that the author has a purpouse for this. The Nazis are represented as cats. And what do we know about cats and mice? Cats chase down mice, and kill them. Do you agree that this is what the author wanted to express? How about the pigs? What do you think they represent?
    Lucas T.

  2. Dear Juan,

    First of all, I loved how you made 3 images of your own. I really loved how you used tons of informations, and talk about his history.This blog post helped me understand more about the book and what was really going in his family. I really liked this post, but do yo think their is purpose for mice to represent jews, and nazis as cats? Overall, great post.
